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Course 2-1 Reactor Core Design
Course 2-1 Reactor Core Design
Lecture 1. Overview of Reactor Core Design (26:16)
Lecture 2. Operational Limits and Conditions(OLCs) and Technical Specification (31:28)
Lecture 3. Nuclear Design Requirements (17:01)
Lecture 4. Nuclear Design Limits and Parameters (46:22)
Lecture 5. Nuclear Design Procedure (39:07)
Lecture 6. Computer Simulation for Nuclear Design (23:46)
Lecture 7. Thermal Hydraulic Design Limits (32:12)
Lecture 8. Thermal Hydraulic Design Procedure (31:32)
Lecture 9. Fuel Rod Functional Requirements (16:33)
Lecture 10. Fuel Rod Design Criteria and Analysis (23:37)
Lecture 11. Zr Alloy Performance (38:12)
Lecture 12. UO2 Fuel Performance (35:50)
Lecture 13. Fuel Assembly Design Criteria and Analysis (38:12)
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Lecture 6. Computer Simulation for Nuclear Design
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