COURSE 2-1 Reactor Core Design
Lecture 1. Overview of Reactor Core Design
- Design procedures of initial and reload core designs
- Core design documents to be submitted to a regulatory body
- Core design and licensing criteria and requirements
Lecture 2. Operational Limits and Conditions, Technical Specification
- Concepts of operational limits and conditions(OLCs)
- Contents of technical specifications(TS)
- Concepts of SL, LSSS and LCO
- Operation, design and safety margins
Lecture 3. Nuclear Design Requirements
- Scope of nuclear design activities
- Nuclear design requirements
Lecture 4. Nuclear Design Limits and Parameters
- Nuclear design limits
- Nuclear design parameters
Lecture 5. Nuclear Design Procedure
- Nuclear design procedure and fuel loading pattern search
- Nuclear design report(NDR) preparation
- Operation support constants preparation
Lecture 6. Computer Simulation for Nuclear Design
- Purpose of computer simulation for nuclear design
- Computer simulation procedure
- Nuclear design calculation procedure
- Interface data generation for downstream design/analyses
Lecture 7. Thermal Hydraulic Design Limits
- Scope of thermal hydraulic design group
- Thermal hydraulic design license requirements
- Thermal hydraulic design limits
Lecture 8. Thermal Hydraulic Design Procedure
- Thermal hydraulic design procedure
- Thermal design analysis
- Hydraulic design analysis
Lecture 9. Fuel Rod Functional Requirements
- Configuration of fuel rod and assembly
- Functional requirements of fuel rod and its components
- Materials and products specifications
Lecture 10. Fuel Rod Design Criteria and Analysis
- License requirements of fuel rod design
- Design criteria of fuel rod
- Fuel rod performance analysis methodologies
- Fuel rod performance analysis code
Lecture 11. Zr Alloy Performance
- Zr alloy manufacturing process
- Zr alloy oxidation mechanism
- Effect of irradiation on Zr alloy microstructure, strength, etc.
- Zr alloy physicochemical properties
Lecture 12. UO2 Fuel Performance
- Fabrication process of UO2 pellet
- UO2 pellet volume change mechanisms: densification, swelling
- UO2 pellet performance : FGR, creep, thermal conductivity
- Fuel rod performance : PCI, power operation guidelines
Lecture 13. Fuel Assembly Design Criteria and Analysis
- Fuel assembly design requirements
- Fuel assembly design criteria
- Fuel assembly design verification and analysis
COURSE 2-1 is divided into Thirteen(13) Lectures
Available in
after you enroll
- Lecture 1. Overview of Reactor Core Design (26:16)
- Lecture 2. Operational Limits and Conditions(OLCs) and Technical Specification (31:28)
- Lecture 3. Nuclear Design Requirements (17:01)
- Lecture 4. Nuclear Design Limits and Parameters (46:22)
- Lecture 5. Nuclear Design Procedure (39:07)
- Lecture 6. Computer Simulation for Nuclear Design (23:46)
- Lecture 7. Thermal Hydraulic Design Limits (32:12)
- Lecture 8. Thermal Hydraulic Design Procedure (31:32)
- Lecture 9. Fuel Rod Functional Requirements (16:33)
- Lecture 10. Fuel Rod Design Criteria and Analysis (23:37)
- Lecture 11. Zr Alloy Performance (38:12)
- Lecture 12. UO2 Fuel Performance (35:50)
- Lecture 13. Fuel Assembly Design Criteria and Analysis (38:12)
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